31. He has finally persuaded her to come to his hometown and is now _____ her visit.
A. looking forward to B. looking after C. looking out D. looking like
persuade vt.
1. 說服,勸服[(+into/out of)][O2]
2. 使某人相信[(+of)][+that]
1. 被說服
look forward to 1. 盼望
after 1. 照顧, 照看
2. 目送
3. 追求
look out
1. 小心
2. 留意; 照料
3. 向外看
4. 挑選; 尋找
32 Don’t think that your computer is safe. Hundreds of thousands of computers might now be __________ to various kinds of powerful viruses.
A.vulnerable B. compatible C. discernible D. numerable
文意看的懂 d吧 ........... A才對
vulnerable a.
1. 易受傷的
2. 易受責難的;有弱點的;難防守的
compatible a.
1. 能共處的;可並立的
2. 適合的;兼用式的;【電腦】相容的
discernible a.
1. 可識別的
numerable a.
1. 可數的;可計算的
33 Although the artist was only half-Mexican, all her paintings demonstrated her Mexican _______ . She was obviously proud of her roots.
A. foreboding B. identity C. orientation D. significance
demonstrate vt.
1. 論證,證明[+(that)]
2. (用實驗,實例等)說明,教[+wh-]
3. 示範操作(產品),展示
4. 顯示,表露
1. 示威,舉行遊行示威[(+against)]
obviously ad.
1. 明顯地;顯然地
foreboding n.
1. (不祥的)預感[U][C][+that]
identity n. ........... 身分證阿阿阿
1. 身分;本身;本體[C][U]
2. 同一人;同一物[U]
3. 同一(性);相同(處),一致(處)[U][C]
4. 個性,特性[C][U]
orientation n.
1. 定位,定向;方針(或態度)的確定[U]
2. 方向;方位;傾向性[C]
3. 適應;熟悉;(對新生的)情況介紹[U][C]
significance n.
1. 重要性,重要[U]
2. 意義,含義;意思[U][S]
34 Laura has a _________ to put things off until the last minute.
A. disparity B. fecundity C.tendency D.vivacity
單字看不懂 .......... C
disparity n.
1. 不同;不等
fecundity n.
1. 多產;豐饒;肥沃
2. 繁殖力
tendency n.[C] ............... 聯想到 tend 阿阿阿阿阿
1. 傾向;癖性;天分[(+to/toward)][+to-v]
2. 趨勢,潮流[(+to/toward)][+to-v]
3. 傾向;意向
4. 政治團體
vivacity n.
1. 活潑;快活;有生氣[U]
put off 1. 推遲;拖延
35 A recent study finds that newly retired couples report the highest level of marital conflict. The good news is that after two years that tension tends to ________ .
aggravate diminish merge rotate
marital a.
1. 婚姻的;夫妻的
conflict n.[C][U]
1. 衝突,抵觸,不一致,分歧[(+between)]
2. 鬥爭,爭執,戰鬥[(+between)]
marital conflict 婚姻衝突
aggravate vt.
1. 加重;增劇;使惡化
2. 【口】激怒;使惱火
diminish vt.
1. 減少,減小,縮減
2. 削弱...的權勢,降低...的聲譽
3. 【語】把(音程)減半音
4. 【建】使成尖頂
1. 變小,縮小
2. 失勢,被貶低
3. 【建】成尖頂
merge vt. 忘了
1. 使(公司等)合併
2. 使融合;使同化
1. (公司等)合併
2. 融合;同化
rotate vi.
1. 旋轉,轉動[(+around)]
2. 循環,輪流
3. 【軍】輪換調防
1. 使旋轉,使轉動
2. 使輪流;輪換
3. 【軍】把(人員,部隊)輪換調防
1. 【植】輻狀的
36 The speaker __________ a short summary of the main points into the ending of her speech.
A. incapacitates B. incarcerates C. incinerates D. incorporates
incapacitate vt.
1. 使無能力;使...不能
incarcerates vt.
1. 監禁
incinerate vt.
1. 燒成灰;焚化;灰化
incorporate vt.
1. 包含;加上;吸收[(+in/into)]
2. 把...合併;使併入[(+with)]
3. 使混合[(+with)]
4. 把...組成公司(或社團)
5. 使具體化;體現
1. 合併;混合[(+with)]
2. 組成公司(或社團)
37 Most actors hate _________ reporters because they ask more questions than are necessary or even proper.
A. inquisitive B. outspoken C. talkative D. verbose
單字看不懂.. C錯 ........ B才對
proper a.
1. 適合的,適當的,恰當的[Z][+to-v][+that]
2. 合乎體統的,循規蹈矩的;正派的,高尚的
3. 【口】真的[B]
4. 嚴格意義上的,本身的[Z][A]
5. 【英】【口】完完全全的,徹底的[Z][B]
6. 特有的,獨特的[F][(+to)]
7. 【文】專有的
inquisitive a.[(+about)]
1. 好問的;好奇的
2. 過分好奇的;愛打聽的
- 好問的,愛探聽的,好奇心強的;愛鑽研的,好窮根究柢的
outspoken a.
1. 坦率的;直言不諱的
talkative a.
1. 喜歡說話的
2. 饒舌的,多嘴的
3. 健談的
verbose a.
1. 囉嗦的;冗長的
38 Since high-tech industries are in desperate need of electricity supply, the government’s ________ is to build more power plants.
A. fidelity B. priority C. finality D. peculiarity
desperate a.
1. 情急拼命的,鋌而走險的
2. 危急的;絕望的;孤注一擲的
3. 極度渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v]
4. 極端的;險惡的
power plant
n. (名詞 noun)
1. (火箭、汽車等的)動力裝置
2. (包含各種設施的)發電廠
fidelity n.
1. 忠誠;忠貞
2. 盡責
3. 精確
4. 保真度
priority n.
1. (時間等方面的)在先,居前[U]
2. 優先,重點;優先權;先取權[U][(+over)]
3. 優先考慮的事;優先配給[C]
finality n.
1. 終結;定局;決定性[U]
peculiarity n.
1. 奇特,古怪[U]
2. 怪癖[C]
3. 特性,特質[C]
39 The world’s treasures are under ________ as never before. So, get out and see as many as possible—before they disappear.
A. privilege B. probation C. siege D. temptation
treasure n.
1. 金銀財寶,財富[U]
2. 貴重物品[C]
3. 【口】不可多得的人才[C]
4. 【口】(用以稱呼孩子或姑娘)寶貝[C]
1. 珍愛,珍視
2. 儲存;珍藏
3. 銘記[(+up)]
privilege n. 會
1. 特權;優特[C][U]
2. (個人的)恩典,殊榮[S]
3. (議會內部享有的言論自由等)議會特權[C][U]
4. (憲法保證公民享有的)基本權利[C][U]
1. 給予...特權(或優待)
2. 以特權免除
probation n.[U]
1. 檢驗;鑑定
2. 試用;見習;試讀
3. 試用期;見習期;試讀期
4. 【律】緩刑
siege n.
1. 圍攻;包圍;圍城[C][U]
2. 【美】(疾病等的)長期折磨;(災禍等的)不斷襲擊[C]
3. 劫持[C]
1. 圍攻;圍困
temptation n.
1. 引誘,誘惑[U][(+to-v)]
2. 誘惑物,引誘物
40 Don’t be so ___________ about others’ business. You should learn to mind your own business.
A. fancy B. nosy C. mouthy D. easy
nosy a.
1. 【口】好管閒事的;愛追問的
2. 大鼻子的
3. 有香味(或臭味)的
fancy n. .
1. 愛好;迷戀[C][(+to)]
2. 想像;想像力;幻想[U][C]
3. 想法;怪念頭[C]
1. 【口】想像,設想[O4][+v-ing]
2. 猜想[Y][+(that)]
3. 【口】喜愛,愛好;想要[+v-ing]
4. 【英】愛慕(異性)
1. 別緻的;花俏的;花式的
2. 需要高度技巧的
3. 【美】(食品等)特級的,精選的[B]
4. (價格)過高的;昂貴的[B]
5. 想像出來的;異想天開的
41 Tom’s __________ twice before made Daphne hesitate about accepting his marriage proposal.
A. having to marry B. being married C. having been married D. having had married
文法 C吧
hesitate vi.
1. 躊躇;猶豫
2. 說話吞吞吐吐
1. 有疑慮,不願意[Y][+to-v]
proposal n.
1. (建議等的)提出[U]
2. 建議,提議;計劃;提案[C][(+of/for)][+to-v][+that]
3. 求婚[C]
42 If hunting can be stopped for good, it will be a rare chance for people to watch a natural experiment take place: monkeys reclaiming their ranges of old.
A. People will have a precious opportunity to see a test outcome occur when hunting is not allowed forever, i.e., the monkeys regaining their previous territories.
B. It will not be difficult for people to see monkeys playing and thriving in the old parks as a natural result of a protection policy: forbidding hunting for good reasons.
C. A natural phenomenon in the mountain areas is that the more hunting is allowed the less likely it is for people to see monkeys approaching human beings for food.
D. Breeding monkeys for a period of time will provide a regular opportunity for people to see an experimental result that monkeys build their new homes everywhere in the park.
reclaim vt.
1. 使改過,使悔改,教化[(+from)]
2. 開墾,開拓[(+from)]
3. 回收利用[(+from)]
4. 【舊】馴服,降服
1. 改造,感化[U]
precious a.
1. 貴重的,寶貴的,珍貴的
2. 可愛的,珍愛的,寶貝的
3. 【貶】過分精雕細琢的;矯揉造作的
4. 【口】十足的[B]
5. 【口】不值錢的[B]
1. 【口】很,非常
1. 【口】(用作稱呼)寶貝,心愛的人
territory n.
1. 領土,版圖;領地[C][U]
2. 地區;(按某種目的劃定的)區域(尤指商業推銷區)[C][U]
3. (大寫)(美國)未正式成為州的地區;(加拿大,澳大利亞)未正式成為省的地區[C]
4. (行動,知識等的)領域,範圍[C][U]
phenomenon n.[C]
1. 現象
2. 稀有的事,奇蹟
3. 非凡的人,傑出的人才
aabcb dabcb ca