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1. Jane does not really need to lose any more weight. She already looks ________ .

A. sharp   B. short    C. slim   D. strong

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A newly discovered feature of dog body language may surprise pet owners and dog experts. When dogs feel positive about something or someone, their tails wag more to the right side. When they have negative feelings, their tail wagging is more to the left.
Research has shown that in most animals, including birds, fish, and frogs, the left brain specializes in behaviors involving what scientists call attachment and energy enhancement. In humans, the left brain is associated with positive feelings like love, a sense of attachment, a feeling of safety and calm. It is also associated with physiological markers like a slow heart rate. In contrast, the right brain specializes in behaviors involving withdrawal and energy expenditure. In humans, these behaviors, like fleeing, are associated with feelings like fear and depression. Physiological signals include a rapid heart rate and the shutdown of the digestive system.
Because the left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body, such asymmetries are usually manifested in opposite sides of the body. Thus many birds seek food with their right eyes (nourishment) and watch for predators with their left eyes (danger).

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In American ideology, the individual reigns supreme.

 (1) ________  The historian Frederick Jackson Turner proposed that the westward expansion and frontier experience of the nineteenth century was

  a major force in shaping this aspect of our national character.

He wrote,

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31.  He has finally persuaded her to come to his hometown and is now _____  her visit.

     A. looking forward to   B. looking after    C. looking out    D.  looking like


persuade  vt.

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Linguists subscribe to the belief that the languages of about one-third of the human race all developed from one Indo-European language.

But who were the speakers of this ancient language ?

Linguistic detective work offers some clues: you can deduce a people's history from the words they use.

Study of some fifty ancient vocabularies has led to a reconstruction of the lifestyle of the first Indo-Europeans,a vanished people.

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We know that, for the most part, the bigger people's muscles are, the stronger they are.

Can it be said, then, that the larger or heavier people's brains are, the  smarter they are?

The answer is no. There are only two animals that have larger brains than human beings:

the whale and the elephant.

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1.  The office is on the tenth floor. It will be too tiring if we climb the stairs;we'd better take the ______  .
     A. elevator   B. tram    C. ascender   D.  riser

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Binge eating is not yet officially classified as a psychiatric disorder.

But it may be more common than anorexia and bulimia.

(1) _________  all three eating disorders appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Monual of Mental Disorders,

binge eating disorder is not considered a definitive diagnosis like anorexia and bulimia.

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1. The danger of heart disease is a family affair. Women whose husbands suffer a heart attack often _____  to share many of their husbands' cardiovascular risk factors.
A. turn out       B.  make sense     C. lose out     D.  take pains

看不懂文意    ........  A

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1. Jane does not really need to lose any more weight. She already looks _____ .
A.  sharp     B. short     C.slim        D.strong

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1.  As the deadline was approaching, he worked hard on the project _____.

     a. around the clock        b. from the cradle to the grave      c. on and off         d. every now and then



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1. My television has nearly 50 ____ . There are many programs I can choose from .

a.  channels   b. department   c.  commercials     d. confessions

A .


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  acredited journalist n.特派記者

  advertisment n.廣告.

  advance n.預發消息;預寫消息

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  educational history學歷

  educational background教育程度

  educational system學制academic year學年

  term/ semester學期

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film festival               電影節

distributor                 發行人

Board of Censors     審查署

shooting schedule    攝製計劃

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1. Many people fled the city after a high ___ disease broke out .

a. contaminated    b.contagious        c. copulated        d. cretaceous  


flee   vi.

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1. Unfortunately , the hotel is extremely limited in space and cannot ___ large groups of tourist.

a. accommodate  b. anticipate    c. inhabit        d. dwell


accommodate  vt.    常用到吧 

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  To toot , to cut the cheese , or to pass gas . There are all funny ways to talk about something that everyone does :

toot n.
1. (喇叭、號角等的)短而尖銳的聲音,嘟嘟聲[C]
2. 【美】【俚】痛飲,暢飲[C]

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1. By visiting international websites , we can have direct ____ with the whole wold .

a. contract   b. access  c. contact    d. admission

C吧   兩個滿像的

contract  n.[C]    學過  忘了

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Do you have trouble picking out a friend's face among a group of people ?

沒問題 .  猜的出意思 ...

picking out  

1. 挑選出;揀出

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