1. Unfortunately , the hotel is extremely limited in space and cannot ___ large groups of tourist.

a. accommodate  b. anticipate    c. inhabit        d. dwell


accommodate  vt.    常用到吧 
1. 能容納;能提供...膳宿
2. (飛機等)可搭載
3. 使適應;使相符[(+to)]
4. 給...方便;通融
5. 向...提供[(+with)]
6. 調和,使和解
7. 照顧到,考慮到


anticipate  vt.           忘了
1. 預期,期望;預料[+v-ing][+that][+wh-]
2. 預先考慮到;預先做(或準備)[+wh-][+that]
3. 先於...前行動,先發制(人);早別人做;佔先
4. 提前支用(薪金等)


inhabit   vt.     忘了
1. 居住於;棲息於;存在於;佔據

dwell   vi.
1. 居住,住
2. 生活(在);存在(於)[(+in)]
3. 思索;詳述[(+on/upon)]


2. I am sure I had made quite a good  _____  on the personnel  manager in the interview  because  I  got the job .

a. interpretation        b. expression     c. transition    d. impression


interpretation   n.       居然忘了 =  = 
1. 解釋;闡明[U][C]
2. 翻譯,口譯[U]
3. (音樂、戲曲等的)詮釋;(根據自己詮釋的)演出,演奏[U][C]


expression  n.
1. 表達;表示[U][C][(+of)]
2. 表情;臉色;聲調[C][U]
3. 表現力[U]
4. 措辭;詞句[C]
5. 榨出,擠壓[U]
6. 【數】式;符號[C]


transition   n.[C][U]
1. 過渡;過渡時期
2. 轉變,變遷;變革[(+from/to)]
3. 【音】臨時轉調;轉調過渡段

impression   n.
1. 印象[C][U][(+on)]
2. 模糊的觀念;感想[C][+that]
3. 壓印;印記;壓痕[C]
4. 【印】印刷;印數;印次[C]
5. 影響;效果[U][(+on)]
6. (對名人等的)漫畫式模仿[C][(+of)]


3. The boss was ___ Ted's  laziness  and  decided  to  fire  him .

a. fed up with    b.  fond  of   c. filled with     d.  fascinated  of 


文意看的懂  片語看不懂  A吧.

fed up with      ph.
1. 感到厭煩的;忍無可忍

fond  of   ph.
1. 喜歡

fascinate   vt.
1. 迷住,使神魂顛倒;強烈地吸引[(+by/with)]
2. 懾住...使動彈不得,使呆住
1. 有吸引力;迷人


4. Mary' s watch   is as wxpensive  as her husband's  . Her father's  watch  is ___ theirs .

a.  as much as twice       b. twice more      c. twice as much as       d. as twice  more

看的懂文意  忘了 用法 =  =   D吧           ..... C才對


5. You shouldn' t ___ your parent's  love ___   ; instead , you should cherish  and reward it .

a. put ... into consideration     b  take ... for granted    c.   bear .... in mind     d. know ... by sight

看的懂   C吧            .........B才對


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