We know that, for the most part, the bigger people's muscles are, the stronger they are.
Can it be said, then, that the larger or heavier people's brains are, the smarter they are?
The answer is no. There are only two animals that have larger brains than human beings:
the whale and the elephant.
Yet in proportion to (1) _________, a person's brain is larger. An average human brain usually weighs about 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds),
and the weight of the whole body is only about 40 to 50 times (2) ________ .
The whale's body, on the other hand, is thousands of times heavier than its brain,
(3) _________ the elephant's body is about 500 times as heavy. We know that geniuses have existed who (5) _________ very large brains,
but there have been others whose brains are small. Hence, we may conclude that large or heavy brains do not seem to ensure greatintelligence.
1. A. height B. intelligence C. body size D. life span
2. A. more B. much C. many D. such
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