
  To toot , to cut the cheese , or to pass gas . There are all funny ways to talk about something that everyone does :

toot n.
1. (喇叭、號角等的)短而尖銳的聲音,嘟嘟聲[C]
2. 【美】【俚】痛飲,暢飲[C]
3. 【美】【俚】古柯鹼[U]
1. 吹喇叭(或號角等);發出嘟嘟聲
1. 吹奏出;使發嘟嘟聲
2. 吸(古柯鹼)

Farts ! A normal person passes about half a liter of gas  a day . That equals about 14 farts per day .

呼  最重要的字看不懂

fart n.
1. 【俚】屁;放屁
1. 放屁

liter  n.[C]
1. (公制容量單位)公升


Then where do farts come from? There are several sources of fart gas . We get fart gas from the air we swallow .


Gas also goes into our intestines from our blood . In addition , gas is also produced from chemical reactions and

intestine n.
1. 腸[C][P1]
1. 內部的;國內的

bacteria living in our intestines . Nervous people usually have more gas .

bacteria   bacterium的複數

bacterium  n.
1. 細菌

nervous   a.
1. 神經質的;緊張不安的[(+of/about)]
2. 神經的[Z][B]
3. 神經興奮的;有力的,剛健的
4. 【古】肌肉發達的,結實的

This is because they swallow more air . Besides , food goes through their digestive system faster .

digestive   a.
1. 消化的;助消化的[B]
1. 消化劑[C]

This means oxygen cannot be absorbed from the food in time .

oxygen   n.
1. 【化】氧;氧氣[U]


absorb  vt.
1. 吸收(液體,氣體,光,聲等)
2. 汲取,理解(知識等)
3. 使全神貫注;吸引(注意等)[H][(+in/by)]
4. 合併(公司等);併吞[(+into)]
5. 承受;經受
6. 承擔(費用等)


diet n.
1. 飲食,食物[C][U]
2. (適合某種疾病的)特種飲食[C]
1. 給(病人)指定飲食
1. 進規定的飲食;忌食;節食


digestive   a.
1. 消化的;助消化的[B]
1. 消化劑[C]

It turns into fart gas .

turn into  

1. 變成
2. 進入
3. 使變成


People's diet affects the stinkiness of farts . The smell has to do with the sulphur in foods such as eggs , meat , and cauliflower .

stink  vi.
1. 發惡臭[(+of)]
2. 名聲臭,壞透;討厭透
1. 用臭氣趕出;使充滿臭氣[(+out)]
2. 【俚】聞出...的臭氣
1. 惡臭,臭氣[C]


sulphur  n.
1. 【化】硫磺
2. 硫磺色
1. 用硫磺處理
2. 使硫化


cauliflower   n.
(白色)花椰菜; 花椰菜的花(供食用)[U][C]


Beans cause a lot of farts , but these farts aren't usually really stinky .

stinky    a.
1. 臭的,發惡臭的

Beans are not high in sulphur , but the sugar in them produces gas in the intestines .


Finally , people wonder , "Where do farts go when you hold them in ?" Well , there farts will not poison you.


However , you may get a bad  stomachache from the pressure . Farts you hold in are neither nor absorbed.

stomachache  n.
1. 胃痛;腹痛[C]

They will come out sooner or later .


1. What is this passage mainly about ?

a. The way to reduce farts .   b. Facts to know about farts.   c. How to have a healthy diet.   d. The dangers of holding in farts



2.Which of the following is NOT a way we call "fart" ?

a To cut the cheese .   b. To toot.            c. To pass gas.          d. To empty bowels


bowel  n.
1. 腸[C][P1]
2. 內部,深處[P][(+of)]
3. 【古】憐憫,同情,慈悲[P]


3.Why do nervous people have more farts ?

a. They eat too many beans.     b.They do not have enough sleep.  c.Their blood pressure is too high.   d.The food they eat is not well digested/

C吧     ..............  D


4. According to this passage, which of the following foods is likely to cause the stinkiest farts ?

a.Beans   b.Steak,   C.Bread          D.Pasta.

B .吧

Pasta  n.
1. 麵糰(用以製造義大利通心粉,細麵條等)


5. When we hold in a fart , where does it go ?

a. It is absorbed by the intestines.

b. It is released from the mouth or nose.

c. It is just delayed and will come out later .

d. It goes back to the stomach and helps with digestion .


D吧        ............. C

digestion   n.
1. 消化,消化作用[U]
2. 消化力[C]
3. (知識等的)領悟,吸收[U]
4. 【生化】消化[U]





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