1. By visiting international websites , we can have direct ____ with the whole wold .

a. contract   b. access  c. contact    d. admission

C吧   兩個滿像的

contract  n.[C]    學過  忘了
1. 契約;合同
2. 契約書;合約書
3. (橋牌)合約
4. 婚約

contact  n.
1. 接觸,觸碰[U][(+with)]
2. 交往;聯繫,聯絡[U][(+with)]
3. 熟人,門路[C]
4. 【電】接點,觸點;接觸器[C]
5. 【醫】剛接觸傳染病而有帶菌嫌疑者
6. 隱形眼鏡
1. 接觸的
2. 接觸傳染的


2.The conference was initially ____ to take place on August 8th, but due to the typhoon, it was canceled  at the last minute .

a. scheduled  b. signaled   c.surveyed   d. schemed 

A  我猜

conference n.   ... 呼  還記得
1. (正式)會議;討論會,協商會[C][(+on)]
2. 討論,會談[U][S1][(+with)]

schedule n.[C]
1. 表;清單;目錄
2. 【美】時間表;課程表;(火車等的)時刻表
3. 計劃表;日程安排表
4. 報表
1. 將...列表(或清單等)
2. 將...列入計劃(或時間)表
3. 【美】安排,預定[H][+to-v]

survey  vt.
1. 俯視,眺望,環視
2. 全面考察(或研究);概括論述
3. 測量,勘測,測繪
4. 審視
5. 檢視(建築物等);檢驗(設備等)
6. 調查,向...作調查[H]
1. 測量,勘測,測繪
1. 調查;調查報告;民意調查(測驗)[U][C]
2. 全面的考察;概觀,概論[C]
3. 測量,勘測,測繪;測量圖[U][C]
4. 檢視,檢驗[C]
5. 俯瞰;察看[C]



3. I think he was just  ____  me . His compliment on my big success didn't sound sincere .

a . assisting    b. blaming   c. engaging    d. flattering

我猜B ..                  ........D 

sincere  a.        ...... 忘了
1. 衷心的,真誠的,真心實意的
2. 忠實的,誠實的,正直的

compliment n.[C]         靠...  以為是抱怨 \  /
1. 讚美的話;恭維;敬意[(+on)]
2. 問候;致意;道賀[P]
1. 讚美;恭維;祝賀[(+on)]
2. 向...贈送(某物)以表示敬意(或祝賀)[(+with)]

assist vt.
1. 幫助,協助[(+with/in)][O2]
2. 支持,促進
1. 幫助,協助[(+with/in)]
2. 參加[(+in)]
3. 到場,出席[(+at)]

blame vt.
1. 責備,指責[(+on/for)]
2. 把...歸咎(於);歸因於[(+on/onto)]
3. 【美】【俚】詛咒
1. 責備,指責[(+for)]
2. 責任[(+for)]

engage  vt.
1. 吸引;佔用(時間,精力等)
2. 使(齒輪等)嚙合
3. 與...交戰,進攻
4. 雇,聘[(+as)][O2]
5. 預訂(房間,座位等)
6. 使訂婚[H]
7. 使從事,使忙於[H]
8. 保證
1. 嚙合,接合[(+with)]
2. 交戰,交手[(+with)]
3. 從事,參加[(+in/upon)]
4. 保證;答應

flatter vt.         ........嗯   沒學過
1. 諂媚;奉承[(+about/on)]
2. 使高興,使感到滿意[H]
3. (相片,畫等的形象)比(真人,實物)好看


4. To ___  the risk  of heart disease , you should start reducing your daily intake of oil and salt .

a. capture   b. hasten   c. lessen    d.reserve 

我猜 C

intake   n.
1. 引入口;通風口
2. 吸收

hasten  vt.
1. 催促;加速
1. 趕緊,趕快
2. 趕緊做[+to-v]


lessen   vi.
1. 變小,變少;減輕
1. 使變小,使變少;使減輕
2. 【古】藐視;貶低


reserve   vt.
1. 儲備,保存;保留[(+for)]
2. 預約,預訂
3. 延遲作出;暫時不作
1. 儲備(物);儲備金;保留(物);儲藏量[C][U][(+of)]
2. 保留地;保護區;禁獵區[C]
3. 儲備選手,候補[C]
4. 克制;沈默寡言;含蓄;冷淡[U]
5. 預備軍,後備隊;預備役軍人[P1]


5.His parents died when he was very young , so his uncle _____ him.

a. adapted   b. attached   c.arrested    d.adopted

我猜 C           ........D


6.He proudly states that having a happy  family and obtaining  a  Ph. D.  degree  top  his  list  of  _____.

a. accomplishments    b.developments    c. illustrations    d.probations

A 吧 ...


7. If more  money is not ___ , we will have to shut down the factory .

a.fulfilling    b.forthcoming     c.propelling     d.enhancing



8.I  wish _____ I that Anne was ill . I would have gone to see her .

a. knew   b. would know   c. have known   d.had known

D吧               .


9.The passage mainly  discusses  the plight of  ____ species .

a. endangered   b.endangering

c. is endangered   d.being endangering

B吧  .............. A


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