
Do you have trouble picking out a friend's face among a group of people ?

沒問題 .  猜的出意思 ...

picking out  

1. 挑選出;揀出
2. 辨認出

There's a name for your condition: prosopagnosia , or face blindness.

新 名詞   prosopagnosia   還好

blindness n.[U]
1. 盲目
2. 無知,愚昧
3. 輕率;魯莽;昏瞶糊塗

The disorder was thought to be exceedingly rare and mainly a result of brain injury.

還好 ...  考試時 有點頭昏  這樣

disorder n.   這邊因該指  混亂  
1. 混亂,無秩序[U]
2. 騷亂,動亂[C][U]
3. 不符合司法程序的行為[C]
4. 紊亂,失調;不適,小病[C][U]

exceedingly ad.  
1. 非常地;極度地 

But last month a team of German researchers took the first stab at charting its prevalence, and the results were remarkable.

呼 單字看不懂 . 錯在這邊

stab n. [C]
1. a thrust with a sharp-pointed weapon

2. a wound so made
3. a would inflicted on a person's feelings, reputation, etc.
4. sharp pain
5. attempt

prevalence  n.[U]     ......... 看不懂 =  =
1. 流行,盛行;普遍,廣泛
2. (疾病等的)流行程度

remarkable a.    
1. 值得注意的;非凡的;卓越的[(+for)

The new study showed that prosopagnosia is highly heritable and surprisingly common,afflicting ,

錯在這 \   /

heritable  a.   ........ 大忘 ... 也沒想聯想到
1. 可傳讓的;可繼承的;會遺傳的

afflict  vt.
1. 使痛苦,使苦惱,折磨

in some form , about 1 in 50 people -- more than5 million in the US alone.


alone a.
1. 單獨的,獨自的[F]
2. 只有,僅;單單[A

"That's huge," says Dr. Thomas Gruter of the Institute of Human Genetics in Munster. "It was a real surprise."


Within the group of sufferers , however , the condition varies widely.


sufferers  n.[C]
1. 受害者,受難者
2. 患病者

vary  vt.     ......... 因該用 變異  想成變化
1. 使不同;變更;修改
2. 使多樣化
3. 【音】變奏(曲調或主題)
1. 變化;呈多樣化[(+in/on/with)]
2. 偏離;違反[(+from)]
3. 【生】變異
4. 【數】成比例變化

For the vast majority, the problem is not so much about detecting a face

vast a.
1. 廣闊的,浩瀚的,廣大的
2. 巨大的,龐大的
3. 大量的,巨額的

majority  n.
1. 多數,過半數,大多數[the S][G][(+of)]

--- prosopagnosics can see eyes, noses , and mouths as clearly as anyone else ---


as it is about recognizing the same set of features when seeing them again .

recognize vt.
1. 認出,識別;認識[(+as)]
2. 正式承認;認可,認定[(+as)]
3. 承認(事實);認清[(+as)][O2][+(that)]
4. 賞識;表彰
5. 招呼;理睬
6. (會議主席)准許...發言
7. 【律】使具結
1. 承認,確認
2. 【律】具結

While mild prosopagnosic can train themselves to memorize a limited number of faces ,

mild a.
1. 溫和的,溫柔的
2. 溫暖的,暖和的
3. 味淡的,不濃烈的
4. 輕微的,不重的;寬大的

other grapple with identifying family members and , in extreme cases , their own faces.

grapple vt.[(+with)]
1. 抓住,抓牢
2. 與...扭打,與...格鬥
1. 抓住;扭打,格鬥
2. 努力解決(問題等)
1. 扭打,格鬥
2. 抓具;抓鬥;抓鉤

Gaylen Howard ,40 a homemaker Boulder ,Colo.,says that when she is standing in front of a mirror in a crowded restroom,

she makes a funny face so that , as she puts it,"I can tell which one is me."



Most prosopagnosics learn to cope early on. They distinguish people based on cues like hairstyle , voice , or body shape.

cope 當成 copy  難翻

cope vi.
1. 競爭;對付,妥善處理[(+with)]

cue n.[C]
1. 【戲】提示,尾白
2. 暗示,信號;線索
3. (分配給自己的)角色

Thet shun places where they could unexpectrdly run into someone they know.

shun  vt.
1. 躲開,避開,迴避

They pretend to be lost in thought while walking down the street.

pretend to   1. 妄求;自封


They act friendly to everyone -- or to no one . In short , they become expert at masking their dysfunction.

dysfunction  n.
1. 官能不良;官能障礙

"This is probably why the disorder went unnoticed for so long," says Gruter.

unnoticed  a.
1. 未被注意的;被忽視的[


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